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Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue floodlit at night

Wedding Venue South Wales Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Packages
Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue in South Wales

Wedding Tips: Let your wife have a break!

Don't fuss about your wife taking a day off several times a month. This means that she will be free from worrying about what is happening with the kids, the house, the pets, and you. She deserves this break in her schedule and she needs to provide it for herself to be emotionally and physically healthy.

Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue in South Wales Floodlit at Night

Wedding Tips: Believe in your Man!

Many men believe it is important for them to protect and provide for those they love. Let your husband know that you believe in his talents and skills and are supportive of him.

Wedding Planning Book, Craig y Nos Castle at night

Wedding Tips: Praise him

Most guys like to be patted on the back. Compliment your husband often. Just don't overdo it with sicky sweet oozes of how great he is. That type of affirmation can backfire.

Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue in South Wales

Wedding Tips: Silence is golden!

Don't yakety-yak all the time. If your husband is tired, or involved with a project, and you really want to talk to him about something, get to the point or schedule a time with him to have the talk.

Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue in South Wales

Wedding Tips: What's to like about being married?

"Being married is like having a friend that you don't have to call and explain things to, never have to catch up with because the things that happen are happening to you together, so you get to mourn and celebrate, laugh and cry and generally ride life's roller coaster together. Communication is good, but I love the times when neither of us has to speak because we know exactly what we are going through and we just hold hands, buckle down and get ready to take on the world... together.

Wedding Tips: Free time for Hubby.

Most everyone has a desire for some quiet time alone, and time to re-energize, regroup, and reconnect. When your husband first gets home from work, allow him some free time to unwind. Don't over-schedule his days off with projects around the house.

Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue Swansea Floodlit at Night in grey and purple alternating colours
Craig y Nos Castle Wedding Venue Swansea Floodlit at Night in purples and greys

Wedding Tips: Housework time

Fact: Having a husband creates on average an extra seven hours a week of housework for women, according to a University of Michigan 2005 study of a nationally representative sample of U.S. families. For men, the picture is very different: A wife saves a man from having to do an hour more of housework each week.

Wedding Tips: Wedding Poem


You are my husband
My feet shall run because of you
My feet dance because of you
My heart shall beat because of you
My eyes see because of you
My mind thinks because of you
And I shall love because of you.

Wedding Tips: Wedding Poem


I want to be your friend forever and ever
When the hills are all flat
and the rivers run dry
When the trees blossom in winter
and the snow falls in summer,
when heaven and earth mix -
not till then will I part from you.

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