AB26: double en-suite
Wedding Planning > Our Bedrooms > Double En-suites
Craig y Nos Castle in Wales Wedding Guest Accommodation - Room AB26
TV, Internet & Phone Information
Old Combi style small TV / DVD player, 7 channels via hotel cable system. Has telephone which you can plug a computer into for internet access (either bring own cable or ask at reception for a spare cable).

Signal strong if near to Corridor - this room runs alongside corridor but sit nearest to internal wall between room and corridor or near door.
Room Description
Standard Double en-suite room on the first floor of the atrium. It has the benefit of overlooking the main castle courtyard, having a view similar to AB27 of the clock tower and main castle. It is also close to the Gatehouse should you wish to house guests in this room near to any guests in the gatehouse.

Enjoy a Homely Welcome and Friendly Service at Craig y Nos Castle