Theatre First Floor Flat
Wedding Planning > Our Bedrooms > Family Apartments
Craig y Nos Castle in Wales Wedding Guest Accommodation - Theatre First Floor Flat
Theatre First Floor Flat
Comprises two very small double bedrooms, a nice bathroom, and a nice kitchen. Can be used as en-suite B&B rooms for families or two couples willing to share the bathrooom and kitchen. The brand new kitchen has a cooker, washing machine, fridge, toaster, kettle and all the usual equipment plus oak Dining table, four chairs and a wall mounted TV. There is no lounge but you can sit around the dining room table in the kitchen area.
Due to the building's existing shape we cannot make larger rooms than what we start with in this area. There is not enough room for a wardrobe or chest of drawers in the two bedrooms. So for wardrobe space, you have the use of a big wardrobe cupboard on left side of the landing at the entrance to flat. While not ideal this gives you somewhere to put anything that needs to be hung on a hanger and also somewhere to put empty suitcases and storage items.

In place of a chest of drawers, please use the pull out drawers within the divan bed for folded clothes. If flat is occupied by two occupants only, you may prefer to use the second bedroom for storage. The flat could also be used as a twin, with one occupant in each bedroom.
Bathroom comprises generous corner shower, basin and loo, all very new. A small window in the bathroom opens out onto an inner porch area so you can peek out and wave to your friends coming and going from this end of the building.
Tariffs for this and other family rooms vary according to number of occupants. Theatre First Floor Flat can sleep four people as two couples or as a family on family room rates, or a couple or twin on Double Room tariff.

TV, Phone & Internet Information
There is a small wall mounted TV in the kitchen and a wall mounted TV in each bedroom. Has Wi-Fi in the theatre itself but on last checking, the signal may be weak to non existent in some of the theatre rooms.
WIFI update 2019: TFFF and TF have wifi, however this can be weak on older devices. 'Older' – Iphone 4 and below and Samsung S6 and below i.e if older than say 4 years – may need to have configuration changed and signal is weaker. This mainly to do with older Wifi Settings and Aerials.

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