6. Receipts & Cash Book for your Wedding Expenses
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Planning your Wedding in South Wales - keep a cash book
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Wedding Receipts: keep a 'cash book'
Your Cash Book
You may be required to pay a deposit to some suppliers. If so, get a receipt. You may in some cases be paying cash. In which case INSIST upon a written receipt and make a note of the name of the person you paid the cash to and the time and date.
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Keep good records in case you are asked to prove you have made a payment. A cash book would have the following columns:
(a) Date
(b) Supplier name
(c) Method of payment - cheque, cash or credit card
(d) amount paid

Keep the same information on your files for each of your suppliers so you have a note of what you have paid them.
Make sure you have settled all your bills in advance of the wedding day. You do not want to be writing out cheques on the day itself - or be chased up afterwards while on your honeymoon.

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